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Build dmg on gnar

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You still do a great amount of damage as Mini Gnar with your third W proc, combined with the extra damage and attack speed of Hop, when all-inning (Q>E>AA). Wallop also scales with AD, which you do not utilize in his build. Brief explanation: He prefers the lower cooldown (from 18 to 12), attack speed (20% to 60%), +6% of Gnar's max health, and higher base damage scaling than Wallop (Mega Gnar's version of W). I explain why I think he does this in the guide. He also maxes Q then E second, instead of W second. Some basics of the build: Darien goes 19 armor pen in runes, flat armor and MR, every game. It's been working great for me, personally. I'd really appreciate some more skilled players trying this out.